Auf dieser Website werden Daten wie z.B. Cookies gespeichert, um wichtige Funktionen der Website, einschließlich Analysen, Marketingfunktionen und Personalisierung zu ermöglichen. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern oder die Standardeinstellungen akzeptieren.
Cookie Hinweise

Our cookies used and their purpose

What are cookies

Cookies support a better and faster online experience. A cookie is a small text file that stores Internet settings. Almost every website uses cookies. The first time you visit a website, cookies are downloaded by your Internet browser.

When you visit the website again using the same device, the website recognizes you. This allows content to be displayed on the website that is customized to your personal interests and needs.

The cookies mentioned below are synonymous with HTML5 Session Web Storage and HTML5 Local Web Storage.


We want the best for you

The use of our cookies is first and foremost just for you!

By using the cookies, we have a view of how visitors use the website and can adjust our focus accordingly.
For example, we analyze what content is popular for you to see if certain topics are interesting to our visitors or some are not.

The analysis of the data helps us in the end:

What happens if cookies are rejected

If you refuse the use of cookies, we will of course accept this decision and will no longer request any of this data.

As soon as you revoke your consent, all of these cookies will no longer be requested and previously existing connections will be interrupted.

However, please be aware that not all cookies are simple queries.
We also use cookies that are required to use some content, which will not work once the system cookies are disabled.

Therefore, we recommend that you do not disable the technically necessary cookies.


Cookie information

Questions? Send us an email to, we will be happy to help you.